Category Archives: yoga

Prenatal Yoga relaxation recording (9min)

Please follow this link for the recording.

This is a complimentary guided relaxation and positive visualization for expecting mothers. Simply prepare yourself by wearing loose clothing and lying in a comfortable position with pillows to support your body and blankets to keep you warm. Listen to my voice guide you through a conscious body and mind relaxation and visualization for the optimal outcome of your baby’s birth day. This practice is under 10min.

Written and recorded by Victoria; Yoga teacher, Birth doula and mother.


Originally I entitled this a ‘Yoga Nidra’ practice. Due to the recent controversy surrounding Swami Satyanada, who has refined and written the book ‘Yoga Nidra’ (Bihar school of Yoga) I have decided to amend the title. There is inspiration from the book, specifically in body awareness portion of the practice. My intentions with this practice is to become aware of the physical self and that of the baby in the womb, slowing down and focusing the mind to visualize a positive outcome for labor and delivery and to find peace and relaxation amidst the transitions. Pregnancy, labor, delivery and parenting can be very chaotic and i believe focusing on a positive goal and deep rest are essential.