
Welcome to my word press site, please browse around at all my different interests pertaining to health and wellness:) The photos on this site are mostly taken by my husband or myself, in the case of using photos from clients births I get full permission from the family involved.

Please see the right side ‘about me’ column on all pages for a bio:)

My doula services are separate from my knowledge as a herbalist and Yoga teacher as I am dedicated to following the DONA code of ethics and standards of practice. If you are interested in my services as a Doula I can provide resources, information and meet with you outside of my doula role if you request prenatal yoga postures or basic herbal remedies. Please feel free to contact me about any of the information on this site;) Thank you for checking out mokshamama!

Many blessings:)-V


herbalist, Yoga teacher and doula (DONA).

*** PLEASE NOTE: I am not a Doctor or medical professional. Please use natural health care products and exercises with consciousness. Please consult a knowledgable health care practitioner if any of these remedies seem appropriate for you, each of our bodies are different and will respond differently to treatment.

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