Category Archives: Endometirosis

Nutrition and lifestyle to help cope and solve abnormal and painful menstruation

Endometriosis; description and treatments

Endometriosis is associated with pelvic pain and infection of the uterus causing abnormal menstrual cycles and infertility. Each woman will experience different symptoms and some woman with advanced endometriosis may not even experience any symptoms. A common area affected is behind the uterus between the rectum and uterus which is known as the ‘cul-de-sac of douglas’. This problem can cause painful intercourse, rectal pressure and pain with bowel movements especially before menses. Endometriosis of the pelvic cavity is diagnosed only with a laparoscopy and in rare cases can lesions are present on cervix, vagina and/or vulva. It is often suspected with pelvic pain and inter-menstrual spotting and can often be misdiagnosed as Irritable bowel syndrome. Some doctors believe that you can find endometriosis in anyone if you look hard enough, Christiane Northrup M.D agrees with this speculation. She believes ‘that all women probably have embryonic cells in their pelvic cavities that could grow into endometrial tissue.’ She recommends that it is the decision of each individual woman to change lifestyle factors which favour the growth of endometriosis. She believes that because endometriosis is a hormone-dependant disorder, woman who experience more cycles without the break of pregnancy and breastfeeding are more likely to experience symptoms.

Endometriosis does not directly cause infertility but can contribute to it. Endometriosis can cause massive pelvic scarring, which in itself is associated with infertility.

One theory on the cause of endometriosis is retrograde menstruation (menstruating backwards), meaning some of the menses blood and tissue that lines the uterus will go back into the fallopian tubes and implant in the pelvic tissue, this is common. Another theory is that pelvic tissue can convert into endometrial tissue under possible irritation of environmental toxins such as dioxin which can have estrogen-like activity. The pain results from inflammation caused by chemicals such as cytokines and prostaglandins that are produced by endometriosis lesions. These lesions can be stimulated by hormones produced in the female cycle so pain is worse during ovulation during pre-menses and menses. Therefore the lesions, being similar to uterus tissue will also bleed during a cycle. Another theory includes a congenital conditions present at birth, arising from embryonic female genital tissue that never made it to the inside of the uterus during development. This explains why some girls will experience pain similar to their mothers at first bleeding. endometrial lesions can range in color and size.

Studies show that woman with endometriosis often have antibodies that act against their own tissue, called autoantibodies. Meaning that the pelvis is actually rejecting aspects of itself. These autoantibodies can interfere with a variety of human processes including fertilization and pregnancy.


A comprehensive treatment that supports the immune function and emotional aspects of the individual is necessary. Commonly, woman will be treated with hormonal therapies ranging from birth control pills, synthetic progestin, danazol, GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormones), Synarel and lupin. These drugs influence the pituitary gland and mimic menopause thereby allowing a regression of endometriosis by stopping cyclic hormonal stimulation. The problem with these treatments is that they don’t cure the disease, they shut down the production of hormones and some woman can not handle the masculinizing side effects and expense of the treatments.

Natural progesterone creams such as Wild mexican yams can be helpful for some women. General instructions include; applying one-quarter to one half teaspoon (30-60mg) on the breasts, abdomen, neck, face, inner arms, or hands. Apply in the morning and evening on days 14 through 28 of cycle or at least three months. Each individual will find a different dosage but it is important to get the progesterone in system before experiencing mood change due to cycle. Therefore, apply cream a day or two prior to ovulation or before symptoms begin and continue until the 1st day of bleeding. Natural progesterone caps can be taken orally at a dosage of 50-200mg a day taken on days 10-28 of cycle.

Diet recommendations : low-glycemic index diet helps to stabilize hormones. Foods rich in nutrients balance insulin and glucagon levels and decrease inflammation. Eliminate refined carbohydrates, decrease grain products (no more than 2-3 servings per day). Consume more fresh veggies, fruits and lean proteins (chicken, eggs, fish and legumes). limit and eliminate red-meat and egg yolks high in Arachidonic Acid which may cause increased inflammation.

The active ingredient Indole-3-carbinol in Cruciferous veggies (kale, broccoli, mustard greens, cabbage etc) have shown to modulate estrogen levels, eat cooked/ steamed or fermented.

A high fiber diet has shown to decrease circulating estrogens, recommended at 25 grams per/day from beans, brown rice, veggies, fruits and whole grains.

Reduce and/or stop dairy intake, most cattle today is treated with BGH (bovine growth hormone) or rBST (recombinant bovine somatotropin) to stimulate the cow to produce more milk. This also presents difficulties and infections of utters which require antibiotics. These hormones and medications may stimulate the hormonal systems of humans; antibiotics are known to change the way the hormones are metabolized in the bowels and can change hormonal levels. Other research indicated that milk sugars (lactose) may be toxic to the ovaries and has been linked to ovarian cancer (Dr. Daniel Cramer, M.D., Sc. D., at Brigham and Woman’s Hospital in Boston). Organically produced dairy doesn’t seem to have the adverse effects.

Eliminate trans-fats (hydrogenated) which increase inflammation.

Nutritional approaches may take up to 2-3 months to achieve desired results.

 Eat a light diet during acute pain; including vegetable broths, salads, steamed veggies and fruits. Acidophilus is useful to prevent vaginitis associated with pelvic inflammation. Vitamin E: 400 units 2X daily Vitamin C: 1,000- 2,000 mg 3X daily

Vitamin A: 25,000 units per day up to 50,000 for a max of 2 weeks Zinc: 45-60 mg a day Echinacea: 1/2 tsp of liquid extract or 2 caps every 3 hours during infection High dose of Allicin extract: 2 caps 4 X a day for the first 3-6 days of pain.

Inula Helenium (Helenium) :10-60 drops fluid extract or 5-40 drops of specific Achillea millefolium (yarrow): 30-60 grains of powder, 6oz of herb for Infusion, 5-20 drops of tincture, 1/2-1 tsp of fluid extract or 2-20 drops of oil are recommended for treatment of endometriosis

Crampbark (Viburnum Opulus)- 1/2 tsp tincture or 1 cap every 2-3 hours is also useful to reduce inflammation caused by endometriosis. (AVOID IN PREGNANCY)

Endometriosis Tea :

1 tsp ea. of Vitex berries, echinacea root, wild yam, and cramp bark

1/2 tsp. ea of horsetail, red raspberry and motherwort

1 qrt H20

Combine herbs in water and uncovered pot and boil. Turn down and simmer for 5min. Remove from heat and cover to steep for 15min. Strain and drink at least 2 cups daily.


Other alternative treatments:

Castor oil pack: 1/2 cup of castor oil 8drops of lavender essential oil

Combine castor oil and lavender essential oil. Soak cloth in this mixture, then fold it and place it in a baking dish in a 350°F oven for about 20 minutes—it should be quite warm, but not uncomfortably so. Place the folded cloth directly over the afflicted area and cover it with a towel to keep it warm. (A hot water bottle on top of this also works well.) Use the pack once a day for 30 to 60 minutes. Rinse off the oil after each application.

Sitz Bath:

10 drops of rosemary essential oil

Add essential oil to a bathtub and stir well to distribute. Sit in tub with hot water up to your waist for 5 to 10 minutes (this is a good time to read a book). Then sit in a tub of cold water, also up to your waist, for at least 1 minute. (The large plastic tubs sold at hardware stores work fine.) Continue for 2 to 5 rounds. Perform this treatment every day, if possible. Lavender or chamomile essential oils could be used in place of rosemary.

Yoga can offer a natural and effective method without toxic side effects. Meditation is also useful in alleviating stress that may also contribute to pain. When practicing Yoga Asana’s during menstruation it is essential not to strain, it is also advised to refrain from practicing inversions (ie. Sirshasana (headstand), Sarvangasana (shoulderstand) etc..) during menses. Vajrasana, shashankasana, marjariasana, savasana (see photos) and abdominal breathing will relieve menstrual cramping.








Yoga Nidra or ‘yogic sleep’, is a practice similar to mediation. While laying in Savasana posture a person is guided through visualization techniques. This practice has been found to reduce tension and anxiety. – See on information about hormone balancing. (information also attached)

Treatments for woman’s disorders are similar as are some symptoms. It is crucial to visit a professional for diagnosis and seek immediate treatments. Diet and lifestyle are underlying and vital solutions to woman’s disorders as is a balance of emotional and physical endeavours.

Woman’s intuition is key and can change with cyclic patterns. Intuition is interfered with by drugs, alcohol and other unconscious behaviour. PMS, Painful menses, Endometriosis and PCOS are messages that our bodies are trying to convey to us as females about our internal and external environments. It is important and essential that we pay attention and find proper solutions to these problems, the evolution and health of humanity depends on us. Our daughters deserve our sober and innate wisdom.

Please consult your doctor and/or health care provider to discuss if any of these treatments are suitable for you.